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B2B Tech Myth #1: “Drive-up Window” Style Marketing Creates Demand

TME’s Remote Marketing Cubicle was founded in 2003 to dispel and correct the marketing myths (in particular the following 5) we saw that crept into corporate culture and stalled business growth. Instead, our alternative supports the sales process and ensure sales and marketing are properly aligned.


B2B Tech Myth #1: “Drive-up Window” Style Marketing Creates Demand

Small businesses often operate in survival mode due to budget and resource limitations. As a result, they turn marketing off-and-on “as needed”, resulting in a scattershot approach. All hands are on deck. Junior marketing staff are often eager to help, but lack experience. A traditional agency is happy to indulge quick fix needs, but will not learn the client’s business/sales process or commit to results. This type of transactional marketing yields little, if any, return and requires an excessive investment of time and money.

At TME we believe success can only be achieved through strategic thinking, planning, and action—integrated marketing is a must. We created an affordable fixed fee engagement model that enables early and next stage businesses get what they really need—a dedicated, proactive day-to-day marketing manager that brings an experienced voice to the table to generate demand and support sales. This resource is then supported by a diverse team of creative processions that execute programs and deliver results. All of this is provided for less than the salary of one employee and without the overhead.

TME’s Remote Marketing Cubicle was founded in 2003 to provide an alternative to recurring problems like this—something me and my colleagues saw firsthand during our corporate days.

If these barriers sound familiar, Talk to Us.

B2B Tech Myth #1: “Drive-up Window” Style Marketing Creates Demand

B2B Tech Myth #2: Small Business CEOs Should Devote Time to Creating Marketing Content

B2B Tech Myth #3: It’s OK for Sales and Marketing to Operate on Separate Islands

B2B Tech Myth #4: SME’s Should Remain Head’s Down in Development Mode at all Times

B2B Tech Myth #5: Big Marketing Thoughts Inevitably Lead to Action