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B2B Tech Myth #4: SME’s Should Remain Head’s Down in Development Mode at all Times

Your subject matter experts (SMEs) are a veritable goldmine of untapped resources that marketing should leverage. Understandably, SMEs most often spend their days head’s down working on the task at hand, dedicated to the smallest technical detail—especially those focused to innovate technology such as software and web apps, hardware and devices, and professional services. Whether or not they realize it, in doing so, they are generating the exact nuggets that marketing needs to access to feed marketing channels with relevant, timely content. Without the right process in place becomes time-consuming or even impossible to unearth that value. We have created and refined a collaborative approach that enables us to extract SME gold without burdening their limited time.

TME’s Remote Marketing Cubicle was founded in 2003 to provide an alternative to recurring problems like this—something me and my colleagues saw firsthand during our corporate days.

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B2B Tech Myth #4: SME’s Should Remain Head’s Down in Development Mode at all Times

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